

主演:梅雷迪斯·巴克斯特,琳赛·麦克恩,Sarah Lieving,帕顿·阿什布洛克

导演:John Willis III



空难 剧照 NO.1空难 剧照 NO.2空难 剧照 NO.3空难 剧照 NO.4空难 剧照 NO.5
更新时间:2023-09-03 01:42


When the President learns that domestic terrorists have skyjacked the passenger jet her brother is flying...


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Wikipedia Bilibili URLs Watched Incidents

S01E06 S01E03 //www.bilibili.com/video/BV1fp411R7o7?p=3 Yes 无动力 越洋236 加拿大滑翔机,史上最长滑翔记录 漏油

S02E01 S02E01 //www.bilibili.com/video/BV1fp411R7o7?p=7 Yes 英航5390 错装旧螺丝 挡风玻璃吹飞,机长外挂机外,副机长独操作,全员Happy Ending

S02E04 S02E06 //www.bilibili.com/video/BV1fp411R7o7?p=12 Yes 乌伯林根空难 空中相撞 俄罗斯精英少年团团灭,父亲怒捅空管。

S02E05 S02E04 //www.bilibili.com/video/BV1fp411R7o7?p=10 Yes 美国航空965号 驾驶员失误 空客连夜堆山

S03E01 S03E11 //www.bilibili.com/video/BV1fp411R7o7?p=23 Yes 阿罗哈243 夏威夷气候+频繁增压 金属疲劳 敞篷飞机,奇迹般平安降落。

S03E02 S03E05 //www.bilibili.com/video/BV1fp411R7o7?p=17 Yes 无液压 快递货机被伊拉克武装的地空导弹击中 所有液压破坏 像苏城空难一样只用油门控制飞机 但成功降落

S03E03 S03E04 //www.bilibili.com/video/BV1fp411R7o7?p=16 Yes 无液压 日航123 单排铆钉 机尾爆炸 液压失效 单次航班死亡人数最多,最惨烈的空难。

S03E04 S03E09 //www.bilibili.com/video/BV1fp411R7o7?p=21 Yes 联邦快递705 飞航工程师劫机,电影般的打斗情节

S03E06 S03E01 //www.bilibili.com/video/BV1fp411R7o7?p=13 Yes 伊朗655航班 伊朗航班被美国海军击落,前半伪洗白美军,后半拼命打脸

S03E10 S03E07 //www.bilibili.com/video/BV1fp411R7o7?p=19 Yes 俄罗斯航班593 副机长家熊孩子操作飞机 无意中半解除自动驾驶 操纵副翼 倾斜过大即将失速 飞机自动俯冲避免失速 爬升太快以致失速 来不及改出 失速坠机

S03E13 S03E06 //www.bilibili.com/video/BV1fp411R7o7?p=18 Yes 无动力 埃塞俄比亚961 劫机去澳洲 耗尽燃料 水面迫降 救生衣提前充气逃不出机舱致死

S04E02 S04E02 //www.bilibili.com/video/BV1fp411R7o7?p=27 Yes 无动力 英航009 火山灰冲击发动机导致圣艾摩之火 四发熄火 高度降低冷却后重新启动

S04E10 S04E08 //www.bilibili.com/video/BV1fp411R7o7?p=33 Yes 太阳神522 检修完后加压开关未复位 飞机缺氧全机包括机长缺氧晕厥,帅空乘苦苦支撑到燃料殆尽。

S05E02 S05E02 //www.bilibili.com/video/BV1fp411R7o7?p=37 Yes 无动力 加拿大航空143 加航滑翔机,地勤单位搞错燃料单位

S05E09 S05E09 //www.bilibili.com/video/BV1fp411R7o7?p=44 Yes 东方航空401 机组修12美元的前起落架灯泡 检查前起落架时 自动驾驶高度控制漏洞 高度改变时技师没听见高度警告 坠机沼泽地遇见鳄鱼和蛇

S09E03 S09E03 //www.bilibili.com/video/BV1fp411R7o7?p=60 Yes 法国航空296号 A320首飞做秀 波音连夜种树

S09E05 S09E05 //www.bilibili.com/video/BV1fp411R7o7?p=62 Yes 大韩007 导航模式错误 偏航进入冷战苏联领空 被误认为是美国侦察机而击落

S10E05 S10E05 //www.bilibili.com/video/BV1fp411R7o7?p=70 Yes 无动力 全美1549 起飞撞鸟 迫降哈德逊河

S11E11 S11E11 //www.bilibili.com/video/BV1fp411R7o7?p=82 Yes 无动力 中美洲航空110 遭遇冰雹风暴 大量进水导致低功率运行的双发动机熄火 重新点火后引擎过热 只能关闭引擎 独眼机长迫降NASA测试场 后换发动机重飞

S11E13 S11E13 //www.bilibili.com/video/BV1fp411R7o7?p=84 Yes 无液压 苏城空难 联合航空232 尾部引擎风扇盘断裂 液压失效,DC-10教练员乘客与机组合力神迫降,但最终飞机坠毁,1/3乘客死亡。

S12E01 P73 //www.bilibili.com/video/BV19x411q7BN?p=73 Yes 无液压 里夫阿留申8号机 螺旋桨脱落割坏液压 大力出奇迹梗最快乐的神机组

S12E04 P77 //www.bilibili.com/video/BV19x411q7BN?p=77 Yes 胜安航空185 朱卫民机长自杀俯冲

S12E13 //www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Cs411Z7hm?p=2 Yes 法航447 空速管结冰失去读数 自动驾驶解除 拉杆狂魔博南 持续且无知 失速坠机

S13E10 P101 //www.bilibili.com/video/BV19x411q7BN?p=101 Yes 澳洲航空32 劳斯莱斯发动机短管漏油爆炸击穿机翼 优秀机组沉稳操控A380安全着陆

S14E07 P94 //www.bilibili.com/video/BV19x411q7BN?p=94 Yes 法国航空4590 前次起飞的DC10发动机掉落一根金属条到跑道上 刺破起飞中的协和客机轮胎 轮胎碎片冲击油箱 满载油箱的脆弱处破裂并起火 协和客机拖着长长的火焰被拍到坠机 重飞不久后永久退役

S14E09 P96 //www.bilibili.com/video/BV19x411q7BN?p=96 Yes Manx2 7100 空壳航空公司 欠薪欠休新手机长副机长 兼职空乘 拆卸座椅 飞机日夜运行 外包维修 无保养 分别操控飞机 两侧引擎推力不均 拉油门过度后左引擎倒转而飞机倾覆

S14E11 P97 //www.bilibili.com/video/BV19x411q7BN?p=97 Yes 马来西亚航空MH370 最后一次联系马来西亚后未联系越南 军用雷达上见到了飞机紧急转向后失踪 劫机(埃塞俄比亚961)可能低因为没有劫机信息发出 应答机和ACARS都失灵 火灾(南非295)可能小因为没有火灾信息发出 飞机被发现失联后又飞行了7小时 幽灵航班(太阳神522)无法解释急转向 只可能专业人士——机长蓄意(胜安航空185朱卫民)利用幽灵航班原理干掉空乘 并操纵转向和坠机

S15E04 P100 //www.bilibili.com/video/BV19x411q7BN?p=100 Yes UPS货机锂电池起火 驾驶舱浓烟 正驾驶缺氧昏迷 副驾多点中继通讯努力救机 错失自动降落机会坠机

S15E05 P106 //www.bilibili.com/video/BV19x411q7BN?p=106 Yes 不带黑匣子秘密飞行的联合国秘书长座机 在非洲维和时过早下降撞山坠机 飞行员失误?叛军击落?航图没标示有山?空客连夜堆山

S16E03 //www.bilibili.com/video/BV1HW411b7CE?from=search&seid=1636247872118623657 Yes 特内里费空难 荷航赶时间 泛美错过出口 塔台通讯 大雾 恐怖袭击 加满油 死亡总人数第一

S16E07 //www.bilibili.com/video/BV1eW411q7wj?from=search&seid=1949581698660681140 Yes 德国之翼航空9525号 副机长抑郁症发作 蓄意将机长锁在门外 操作飞机撞山

S17E03 //www.bilibili.com/video/BV1vx411C7NW?from=search&seid=9345333940729008401 Yes 国航釜山空难 进近时人为失误可控飞行撞地

S17E04 //www.bilibili.com/video/BV1RW411H7Px?from=search&seid=2637012434324401271 Yes 环球航空800 误机时长时间运行的空调系统 加热临近的油箱使燃油气化并高于着火点 老化的传感器电线短路产生火花引爆油箱 空中解体

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 6 ) 《空中浩劫》全23季IMDB单集评分排名与剧情简介



总排名: 1/216

剧集: S5E3

剧名: Gimli Glider

评分: 9.0

简介: Relive the incredible story of a pilot forced to glide an engineless 767 to safety, from over 26,000 feet in the air. 重温一名飞行员被迫从 26,000 英尺高空驾驶无发动机 767 飞机滑翔至安全地带的令人难以置信的故事。

总排名: 2/216

剧集: S11E13

剧名: Impossible Landing

评分: 8.6

简介: Meet the survivors of 1989's United Airlines Flight 232 and learn the remarkable story of their emergency crash landing. 认识 1989 年联合航空 232 号航班的幸存者,了解他们紧急迫降的非凡故事。

总排名: 3/216

剧集: S4E2

剧名: Falling from the Sky

评分: 8.5

简介: While en route from Malaysia to Australia, all four engines off a British Airways 747 fail. Now the crew must divert to Indonesia. Will they make it? And why did the engines fail and left British Airways Flight 9 "Falling from the Sky?" 在从马来西亚飞往澳大利亚的途中,英国航空 747 的四个引擎全部失效。现在船员们必须转移到印度尼西亚。他们会成功吗?为什么英国航空 9 号航班发动机发生故障,“从天而降”?

总排名: 4/216

剧集: S4E10

剧名: Ghost Plane

评分: 8.5

简介: Air traffic controllers lose contact to a Cypriot airliner flying towards Athens, Greece. Two F-16s are scrambled to investigate, but the plane soon crashes into a mountain. 空中交通管制员与一架飞往希腊雅典的塞浦路斯客机失去联系。两架 F-16 紧急出动进行调查,但飞机很快坠入山中。

总排名: 5/216

剧集: S11E11

剧名: Nowhere to Land

评分: 8.5

简介: On 24 May 1988, the pilots of TACA Airlines flight 110 achieve one of the most remarkable deadstick landings in commercial aviation history. Investigators have to determine why the engines of a brand new Boeing 737-300 failed in mid-flight. 1988 年 5 月 24 日,塔卡航空 110 号航班的飞行员实现了商业航空史上最引人注目的死杆着陆之一。调查人员必须确定全新波音 737-300 的发动机在飞行途中发生故障的原因。

总排名: 6/216

剧集: S16E3

剧名: Disaster at Tenerife

评分: 8.5

简介: Join us as we examine the 1977 crash at Los Rodeos Airport that killed 583 people and the shocking reasons behind it. 与我们一起回顾 1977 年造成 583 人死亡的洛斯罗迪奥斯机场空难及其背后令人震惊的原因。

总排名: 7/216

剧集: S2E1

剧名: Blow Out

评分: 8.4

简介: The pilot of a British airliner is partially sucked out of the cockpit after his windscreen blows out in flight. 一架英国客机的飞行员在飞行中挡风玻璃被炸碎,部分被吸出驾驶舱。

总排名: 8/216

剧集: S2E4

剧名: Deadly Crossroads

评分: 8.4

简介: A DHL cargo plane collides with a Russian passenger jet over southern Germany in 2002. 2002 年,一架 DHL 货机与一架俄罗斯客机在德国南部上空相撞。

总排名: 9/216

剧集: S10E5

剧名: Hudson River Runway

评分: 8.4

简介: An Airbus A320, US Airways Flight 1549, loses thrust soon after takeoff. The pilot has no choice but take a one-in-a-thousand chance, and manages to land into the Hudson River without a single fatality. 全美航空 1549 号航班的空中客车 A320 在起飞后不久就失去推力。飞行员别无选择,只能冒着千分之一的机会,成功降落在哈德逊河上,没有造成人员伤亡。

总排名: 10/216

剧集: S4E5

剧名: Hidden Danger

评分: 8.3

简介: The crashes of United Airlines flight 585 and USAir flight 427 confound investigators for 10 years until they catch a lucky break, which allows them to solve the long overdue puzzle. 联合航空 585 号航班和美国航空 427 号航班的坠机事件让调查人员困惑了 10 年,直到他们遇到了一个幸运的机会,这使他们能够解开这个迟来已久的谜题。

总排名: 11/216

剧集: S15E4

剧名: Fatal Delivery

评分: 8.3

简介: Fire breaks out on a 747 operated by UPS shortly after take-off from Dubai International. UPS 运营的一架 747 飞机从迪拜国际机场起飞后不久就发生火灾。

总排名: 12/216

剧集: S1E2

剧名: Unlocking Disaster

评分: 8.2

简介: On United Airlines flight 811, the cargo door suddenly opens in-flight and tears a portion of the fuselage. The crew attempts landing back in Honolulu. 在联合航空 811 航班上,货舱门在飞行中突然打开,机身的一部分被撕裂。机组人员尝试返回檀香山。

总排名: 13/216

剧集: S3E3

剧名: Out of Control

评分: 8.2

简介: Japan Airlines flight 123 veers out of control and crashes in the mountains, becoming the worst air disaster involving a single aircraft in 1985. 日本航空 123 号航班失控坠毁在山区,成为 1985 年最严重的单架空难。

总排名: 14/216

剧集: S4E6

剧名: Panic Over the Pacific

评分: 8.2

简介: A China Airlines passenger jet goes out of control over the Pacific Ocean on a flight to Los Angeles. The extreme forces cause extensive damage to the aircraft, but the pilots regain control and safely land the 747 at San Francisco. 中华航空公司一架客机在飞往洛杉矶的航班上空在太平洋上空失控。极端的力量对飞机造成了严重损坏,但飞行员重新控制并安全地将 747 降落在旧金山。

总排名: 15/216

剧集: S7E2

剧名: Lockerbie Disaster

评分: 8.2

简介: A depiction of the destruction of Pan Am 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland and the intense investigation that followed. 描述泛美 103 号客机在苏格兰洛克比上空被毁以及随后进行的紧张调查。

总排名: 16/216

剧集: S12E1

剧名: Fight for Control

评分: 8.2

简介: When a propeller departs the engine and causes major damage on Reeve Aleutian Airways flight 8, the experienced crew races to save the airplane and its passengers. 当螺旋桨脱离发动机并对里夫阿留申航空 8 号航班造成严重损坏时,经验丰富的机组人员竞相拯救飞机及其乘客。

总排名: 17/216

剧集: S14E7

剧名: Concorde - Up in Flames

评分: 8.2

简介: The 2000 crash of an Air France Concorde into a Paris hotel is investigated. 2000 年法航协和式飞机撞上巴黎一家酒店的事故正在接受调查。

总排名: 18/216

剧集: S16E8

剧名: River Runway

评分: 8.2

简介: After losing both engines and all electrical power in a violent storm, the pilots of Garuda Indonesia Flight 421 manage a remarkable emergency landing. 印尼鹰航 421 航班在一场猛烈风暴中失去了两台发动机和所有电力后,飞行员成功紧急迫降。

总排名: 19/216

剧集: S3E1

剧名: Kid in the Cockpit

评分: 8.1

简介: Enter the cockpit of RIA Flight 593, where pilots battle an uncooperative plane, gravity, and a teen at the wheel. 进入 RIA 593 航班的驾驶舱,飞行员们与不合作的飞机、重力和驾驶的青少年作斗争。

总排名: 20/216

剧集: S3E7

剧名: Hanging by a Thread

评分: 8.1

简介: The roof tears off of Aloha Airlines 243, a Boeing 737, at 24,000 feet. 阿罗哈航空公司 243 号波音 737 飞机的屋顶在 24,000 英尺高空被撕裂。

总排名: 21/216

剧集: S3E9

剧名: Ocean Landing

评分: 8.1

简介: Ethiopian Airlines Flight 961: the pilot is forced to ditch his plane into the ocean after being hijacked and running out of fuel. 埃塞俄比亚航空961航班:飞行员在被劫持且燃油耗尽后被迫将飞机迫降入海。

总排名: 22/216

剧集: S4E7

剧名: Out of Sight

评分: 8.1

简介: A badly damaged Aeroméxico DC-9 crashes into a residential neighborhood of Cerritos, California, after being hit by a privately owned Piper light aircraft not seen by the air traffic controller. 飞机被空中交通管制员没有看到的一架私人派珀轻型飞机击中后坠入加利福尼亚州塞里托斯的一个住宅区。

总排名: 23/216

剧集: S5E2

剧名: Behind Closed Doors

评分: 8.1

简介: It's one of the most alarming disasters in the history of aviation, not just because of the crash, but why it happened. 这是航空史上最令人震惊的灾难之一,不仅仅是因为坠机事件,还因为它发生的原因。

总排名: 24/216

剧集: S11E6

剧名: Turning Point

评分: 8.1

简介: On 9 October 2002, Northwest Airlines flight 85 is cruising at 35,000 feet (10,668 metres) above the Bering Sea on its way to Tokyo, when its lower rudder suddenly deflects to the left. 2002 年 10 月 9 日,西北航空公司 85 号航班在飞往东京的途中在白令海上空 35,000 英尺(10,668 米)处巡航时,下舵突然向左偏转。

总排名: 25/216

剧集: S12E13

剧名: Air France 447: Vanished

评分: 8.1

简介: Air France flight 447 plunged into the Atlantic Ocean for no good reason. Could it be that the automation systems developed to save lives are the blinding cause of destroying lives in the wrong hands of inexperienced pilots? 法航447航班无缘无故坠入大西洋。为拯救生命而开发的自动化系统是否是在缺乏经验的飞行员手中毁掉生命的根本原因?

总排名: 26/216

剧集: S13E10

剧名: Titanic in the Sky

评分: 8.1

简介: An emergency landing is forced by pilots after an engine explodes. [ Airbus A380 Airliner ] 发动机爆炸后,飞行员被迫紧急着陆。 [ 空客 A380 客机 ]

总排名: 27/216

剧集: S16E4

剧名: Deadly Detail

评分: 8.1

简介: China Airlines Flight 120 catches fire after the plane has landed, parked and had its engines switched off. An evacuation follows. The pilots must escape from a cockpit window. The blaze all but destroys the aircraft. 华航120航班在着陆、停泊并关闭引擎后起火。随后进行疏散。飞行员必须从驾驶舱窗户逃生。大火几乎摧毁了飞机。

总排名: 28/216

剧集: S19E1

剧名: Deadly Descent

评分: 8.1

简介: A skilled captain manages to save his crippled aircraft and everyone on board, and then it's up to investigators to track down the microscopic culprit. 一位熟练的机长设法拯救了他受损的飞机和机上的每个人,然后调查人员就需要追查微观的罪魁祸首。

总排名: 29/216

剧集: S1E4

剧名: Flying on Empty

评分: 8.0

简介: Air Transat flight 236 ran out of fuel in-flight over the North Atlantic due to a mysterious leak, forcing the crew to glide to the nearest airfield. 由于神秘泄漏,越洋航空 236 号航班在北大西洋上空飞行时燃油耗尽,机组人员被迫滑翔至最近的机场。

总排名: 30/216

剧集: S1E5

剧名: Cutting Corners

评分: 8.0

简介: In January 2000, Alaska Airlines flight 261 crashed off the Californian coastline with no survivors due to, as the title implies, improper maintenance. 2000 年 1 月,阿拉斯加航空 261 号航班在加利福尼亚州海岸线坠毁,无人生还,正如标题所暗示的那样,原因是维护不当。

总排名: 31/216

剧集: S2E3

剧名: Hijacked

评分: 8.0

简介: Air France Flight 8969 has been hijacked. How can the authorities deal with the hijackers and save all passengers on-board? 法航8969号航班被劫持。当局如何对付劫机者并拯救机上所有乘客?

总排名: 32/216

剧集: S3E4

剧名: Suicide Attack

评分: 8.0

简介: Three Fedex crew members must fight off a cockpit attack from another employee in mid-flight. 三名联邦快递机组人员必须在飞行途中击退另一名员工对驾驶舱的攻击。

总排名: 33/216

剧集: S4E3

剧名: Fire Fight

评分: 8.0

简介: Fire breaks out on Air Canada flight 797 at 35,000 feet. Can the crew get the wheels on the ground before the fire consumes the plane? 加拿大航空 797 航班在 35,000 英尺高空发生火灾。机组人员能否在大火烧毁飞机之前将轮子放在地面上?

总排名: 34/216

剧集: S5E9

剧名: Fatal Distraction

评分: 8.0

简介: The Eastern Airlines flight 401 crash: the deadliest disaster in U.S. civil aviation history. 东方航空401航班失事:美国民航史上最严重的灾难。

总排名: 35/216

剧集: S11E4

剧名: Breakup Over Texas

评分: 8.0

简介: Investigate the 1991 crash of commuter plane Continental Express Flight 2574, and see how good intentions went terribly wrong. 调查 1991 年大陆快运 2574 号通勤飞机坠毁事件,看看善意是如何变成了严重错误。

总排名: 36/216

剧集: S15E3

剧名: High Rise Catastrophe

评分: 8.0

简介: Follow the investigation of the controversial crash of an El Al 747 into a high-rise Amsterdam apartment complex. 关注对有争议的以色列航空 747 坠入阿姆斯特丹高层公寓大楼事件的调查。

总排名: 37/216

剧集: S16E7

剧名: Murder in the Skies

评分: 8.0

简介: On an ordinary day Germanwings flight 9525 has an outcome beyond belief in March 2015 on the French Alps. 2015 年 3 月,德国之翼航空 9525 号航班在法国阿尔卑斯山的平凡日子里取得了令人难以置信的结果。

总排名: 38/216

剧集: S16E10

剧名: Afghan Nightmare

评分: 8.0

简介: A 747 cargo plane crashes seconds after taking off from a U.S. airfield in Afghanistan, and an overlooked piece of evidence eventually tells investigators they were wrong about the cause. 一架 747 货机从阿富汗的美国机场起飞几秒钟后坠毁,一份被忽视的证据最终告诉调查人员他们对坠机原因的判断是错误的。

总排名: 39/216

剧集: S17E4

剧名: Explosive Proof

评分: 8.0

简介: Just minutes after taking off from NYC JFK Airport, TWA Flight 800 is ripped apart by a massive explosion. With a possible terror attack on their hands, the FBI joins investigators from the NTSB 环球航空 800 号航班从纽约肯尼迪机场起飞几分钟后,就发生了巨大爆炸。由于可能发生恐怖袭击,联邦调查局 (FBI) 与国家运输安全委员会 (NTSB) 的调查人员联合起来

总排名: 40/216

剧集: S22E5

剧名: Pacific Plunge

评分: 8.0

简介: Flight 261 was a McDonnell Douglas MD-83 that crashed into the Pacific Ocean on January 31, 2000. Investigators discover a sad trail of poor maintenance, shortcuts and lack of attention to detail. 261 号航班是一架麦道 MD-83 飞机,于 2000 年 1 月 31 日坠入太平洋。调查人员发现了一条由维护不善、走捷径和缺乏对细节关注的悲惨痕迹。

总排名: 41/216

剧集: S1E3

剧名: Flying Blind

评分: 7.9

简介: AeroPeru flight 603 crashed on a routine flight from Lima to Santiago in 1996, due to a severe failure with the flight instruments. 1996 年,秘鲁航空 603 号航班在从利马飞往圣地亚哥的例行航班上因飞行仪表严重故障而坠毁。

总排名: 42/216

剧集: S1E6

剧名: Fire on Board

评分: 7.9

简介: Swissair flight 111 suffered a fire in-flight and crashed while attempting an emergency landing in Halifax in 1998. 1998年,瑞士航空111号航班在试图紧急降落哈利法克斯时在飞行中起火并坠毁。

总排名: 43/216

剧集: S2E5

剧名: Crash On The Mountain

评分: 7.9

简介: Another proof that a series of small mishaps can amount to one deadly crash. Pilot errors, inoperative ground equipment and arrogance pile on one after another and end in a tragic disaster. 一系列小事故可能导致致命事故的又一证据。飞行员失误、地面设备失灵和傲慢态度接连发生,最终酿成了一场悲惨的灾难。

总排名: 44/216

剧集: S2E6

剧名: Deadly Delay

评分: 7.9

简介: Can a plane fall out of the sky without a single technical problem on-board? Yet another story of communications break-down resulting in a tragic loss of life. 飞机会从天上掉下来而机上没有任何技术问题吗?又一个因通讯故障导致悲惨生命损失的故事。

总排名: 45/216

剧集: S3E8

剧名: Death and Denial

评分: 7.9

简介: Was it a mechanical failure or a suicidal pilot that doomed Egypt Air Flight 990? Years later, the dispute continues. 埃及航空 990 号航班的失事到底是机械故障还是自杀式飞行员?多年后,争论仍在继续。

总排名: 46/216

剧集: S5E7

剧名: Explosive Evidence

评分: 7.9

简介: A terrorist's bomb blew up Air India Flight 182, but the biggest crime was that it all could have been prevented. 恐怖分子的炸弹炸毁了印度航空 182 号航班,但最大的罪行是这一切本来是可以避免的。

总排名: 47/216

剧集: S5E8

剧名: Mixed Signals

评分: 7.9

简介: There are many factors affecting an aircraft in flight. Any one of them can bring the plane down. But as the investigation reveals yet again, the most common one is the human factor. 影响飞机飞行的因素有很多。他们中的任何一个都可以击落飞机。但调查再次表明,最常见的因素是人为因素。

总排名: 48/216

剧集: S7E1

剧名: Scratching the Surface

评分: 7.9

简介: 25 May 2002: China Airlines Flight 611, a Boeing 747, broke up in mid-air and crashed into the sea of Formosa Strait, just 20 minutes after taking off from Taipei. 2002年5月25日,中华航空611班机,一架波音747客机,从台北起飞仅20分钟后,空中解体,坠入台湾海峡海域。

总排名: 49/216

剧集: S11E10

剧名: I'm the Problem

评分: 7.9

简介: See how one man's rage led to two minutes of terror for 42 passengers and crew aboard PSA Flight 1771. 了解一名男子的愤怒如何导致 PSA 1771 航班上的 42 名乘客和机组人员感到两分钟的恐惧。

总排名: 50/216

剧集: S11E12

剧名: The Invisible Plane

评分: 7.9

简介: Shocking discoveries come to light after two planes collide on the runway at one of Europe's busiest airports. 两架飞机在欧洲最繁忙的机场之一的跑道上相撞后,令人震惊的发现曝光。

总排名: 51/216

剧集: S13E4

剧名: Disaster on the Potomac

评分: 7.9

简介: After Air Florida flight 90 crashes on take-off from Washington D.C., it is not easy to find the cause of the accident. It turns out eventually that this was no accident but simple and deadly oversight. 佛罗里达航空90号航班在从华盛顿特区起飞时坠毁后,查找事故原因并不容易。最终事实证明,这并非偶然,而是简单而致命的疏忽。

总排名: 52/216

剧集: S15E1

剧名: Fatal Transmission

评分: 7.9

简介: A fiery collision between United Express 5925 and a small private plane leaves investigators stumped until they learn that a mysterious missing pilot may have played an unwitting role in the tragedy. 联合快运 5925 航班与一架小型私人飞机发生激烈碰撞,调查人员陷入困境,直到他们发现一名神秘失踪的飞行员可能在这场悲剧中扮演了不知情的角色。

总排名: 53/216

剧集: S16E1

剧名: Deadly Silence

评分: 7.9

简介: When a private Learjet crashes in South Dakota, USA, with star golfer Payne Stewart, investigators are under pressure to figure out how the plane strayed so far off course before crashing. 当一架私人里尔喷气式飞机在美国南达科他州坠毁时,载着明星高尔夫球手佩恩·斯图尔特,调查人员面临着巨大的压力,需要弄清楚飞机在坠毁前是如何偏离航线这么远的。

总排名: 54/216

剧集: S20E4

剧名: Taxiway Turmoil

评分: 7.9

简介: Blanketed by confusion and heavy fog, a DC-9 ends up at the wrong end of an active runway in Detroit, and directly in the path of an oncoming 727. 在混乱和大雾的笼罩下,一架 DC-9 最终停在了底特律一条跑道的错误一端,直接挡在了迎面而来的 727 飞机的航道上。

总排名: 55/216

剧集: S21E5

剧名: Cabin Catastrophe

评分: 7.9

简介: On 17 April 2018, Southwest Airlines Flight 1380 makes an emergency landing at Philadelphia International Airport after its left engine explodes. A passenger dies after being partially ejected from the aircraft. The engine failure was caused by a fatigue crack in a fan blade. 2018 年 4 月 17 日,西南航空 1380 航班在左侧发动机爆炸后紧急降落在费城国际机场。一名乘客从飞机上部分弹出后死亡。发动机故障是由风扇叶片疲劳裂纹引起的。

总排名: 56/216

剧集: S23E5

剧名: Control Catastrophe

评分: 7.9

简介: Air Astana Flight 1388 was a repositioning flight from Lisbon to Almaty, On 11 November 2018, shortly after takeoff it suffered severe control issues. After 90 minutes it landed safely at Beja Airbase with the help of PAF F-16s 阿斯塔纳航空 1388 号航班是一趟从里斯本飞往阿拉木图的重新定位航班,于 2018 年 11 月 11 日起飞后不久,就遭遇了严重的控制问题。 90 分钟后,在 PAF F-16 的帮助下,它安全降落在贝贾空军基地

总排名: 57/216

剧集: S2E2

剧名: A Wounded Bird

评分: 7.8

简介: Can a damaged engine bring down a modern multi-engine aircraft? The story of Atlantic Southeast Airlines flight 529. 损坏的发动机会导致现代多引擎飞机坠毁吗?大西洋东南航空 529 号航班的故事。

总排名: 58/216

剧集: S3E2

剧名: Attack Over Baghdad

评分: 7.8

简介: An Airbus A300 flying for DHL is struck by a ground-to-air missile on the left wing tip, shortly after take-off from Baghdad. With damage that included loss of all hydraulics, the aircraft crew struggles to land safely. 一架为 DHL 提供服务的空客 A300 从巴格达起飞后不久,左翼尖被一枚地对空导弹击中。由于损坏包括失去所有液压系统,机组人员努力安全着陆。

总排名: 59/216

剧集: S3E6

剧名: Mistaken Identity

评分: 7.8

简介: US Navy cruiser spots an airplane approaching them on a radar. Numerous attempts to contact the aircraft go unanswered. Is it a friend or a foe? The Navy commander must make a decision whether or not to shoot down the approaching airplane. 美国海军巡洋舰通过雷达发现一架飞机正在接近他们。多次尝试联系飞机均未得到答复。是朋友还是敌人?海军指挥官必须决定是否击落正在接近的飞机。

总排名: 60/216

剧集: S5E1

剧名: Invisible Killer

评分: 7.8

简介: It's called a microburst, but the havoc it wreaked on Delta Airlines Flight 191 was anything but minuscule. 这被称为微爆,但它对达美航空 191 航班造成的破坏绝非微不足道。

总排名: 61/216

剧集: S5E10

剧名: Phantom Strike

评分: 7.8

简介: A business jet on a delivery flight from Brazil to the US is shaken by a massive hit over the Amazon rainforest. The pilots manage to land the damaged aircraft, but they soon find out that they had a mid-air collision with a passenger jet. 一架从巴西飞往美国的商务飞机因亚马逊雨林上空的严重撞击而摇晃。飞行员设法将受损的飞机降落,但他们很快发现自己与一架客机在空中相撞。

总排名: 62/216

剧集: S7E3

剧名: Blown Apart

评分: 7.8

简介: A long and arduous journey of the investigation from the crash backward in time to find the root cause of the crash of Partnair flight 394 to be nothing more than human greed. 从坠机事件向后追溯,经过漫长而艰辛的调查,才发现Partnair 394航班坠毁的根本原因不过是人类的贪婪。

总排名: 63/216

剧集: S9E3

剧名: Pilot vs. Plane

评分: 7.8

简介: First ever crash of the Airbus A320 on June 26, 1988 in Habsheim, France. Air France flight 296. 1988 年 6 月 26 日,空客 A320 飞机首次在法国哈布塞姆坠毁。法国航空 296 号航班。

总排名: 64/216

剧集: S9E4

剧名: Cleared for Disaster

评分: 7.8

简介: The 1991 collision of two planes mistakenly sharing one runway raises concerns about over-crowded airports and overburdened traffic controllers. 1991 年,两架飞机错误共用一条跑道相撞,引发了人们对机场过度拥挤和交通管制员负担过重的担忧。

总排名: 65/216

剧集: S10E2

剧名: The Heathrow Enigma

评分: 7.8

简介: In January 2008, British Airways Flight 38, en route from Beijing, loses power to both engines on approach to London's Heathrow Airport, and crash-lands several feet from the runway. 2008 年 1 月,英国航空公司 38 号航班从北京起飞,在接近伦敦希思罗机场时两个引擎均失去动力,并在距离跑道几英尺的地方紧急迫降。

总排名: 66/216

剧集: S11E9

剧名: Under Pressure

评分: 7.8

简介: Aviation investigators try to determine what caused a mid-air fire on Nigeria Airways flight 2120, chartered by Canadian airline Nationair, that on 11 July 1991 ultimately caused the death of all 247 passengers and 14 crew on board, the biggest loss of life for any Canadian airline and the worst disaster involving a DC-8. 航空调查人员试图确定 1991 年 7 月 11 日由加拿大国家航空公司包机的尼日利亚航空公司 2120 航班发生空中火灾的原因,该航班最终导致机上所有 247 名乘客和 14 名机组人员死亡,这是有史以来最大的生命损失。加拿大航空公司和涉及 DC-8 的最严重灾难。

总排名: 67/216

剧集: S12E4

剧名: Pushed to the Limit

评分: 7.8

简介: When SilkAir flight 185 plunges 35,000 feet into the Musi River in Indonesia, the NTSB has a theory that the Indonesian authorities are not eager to accept. 当胜安航空 185 号航班坠入印度尼西亚穆西河 35,000 英尺高处时,NTSB 提出了印度尼西亚当局并不急于接受的理论。

总排名: 68/216

剧集: S12E7

剧名: Catastrophe at O'Hare

评分: 7.8

简介: When American Airlines flight 191 loses its engine and subsequently crashes into a hangar at Chicago O'Hare airport, the investigators shift the blame from a broken bolt to the airlines' unsafe cost-cutting measures. 当美国航空 191 号航班失去引擎并随后坠入芝加哥奥黑尔机场的机库时,调查人员将责任从螺栓断裂归咎于航空公司不安全的成本削减措施。

总排名: 69/216

剧集: S14E2

剧名: Niki Lauda - Testing the Limits

评分: 7.8

简介: Lauda air 004 was a767 which broke up in mid air after taking off from Thailand to Vienna Austria . 劳达航空004是一架767客机,从泰国起飞飞往奥地利维也纳后在半空中解体。

总排名: 70/216

剧集: S15E9

剧名: Steep Impact

评分: 7.8

简介: On 5 April 1991, Atlantic Southeast Flight 2311 crashes on approach to Glynco Jetport. All 23 people on board perish in the accident. 1991 年 4 月 5 日,大西洋东南航空 2311 号航班在飞往 Glynco Jetport 时坠毁。事故中机上23人全部遇难。

总排名: 71/216

剧集: S15E10

剧名: Carnage in Sao Paulo

评分: 7.8

简介: On October 31, 1996, TAM Airlines Flight 402 crashed into a suburb in São Paulo, killing all 95 people on board and 4 on the ground. The cause of the crash was due to a failure with the Fokker 100's thrust reverser on its right engine. 1996年10月31日,天马航空402号航班在圣保罗郊区坠毁,机上95人全部遇难,地面4人全部遇难。坠机原因是福克 100 右侧发动机上的反推装置出现故障。

总排名: 72/216

剧集: S17E5

剧名: Lethal Turn

评分: 7.8

简介: Amid thick smoke from a forest fire, Garuda Indonesia Flight 152 approached the airport on the island of Sumatra. But just minutes from the runway the Airbus A300 crashed, claiming the lives of all 234 people on board. 在森林大火产生的浓烟中,印尼鹰航 152 号航班接近苏门答腊岛机场。但距离跑道仅几分钟路程,空客 A300 坠毁,机上 234 人全部遇难。

总排名: 73/216

剧集: S18E4

剧名: Deadly Airspace

评分: 7.8

简介: A commercial airliner goes down in eastern Ukraine, and the evidence indicates that it was shot down. 一架商用客机在乌克兰东部坠毁,证据表明它是被击落的。

总排名: 74/216

剧集: S18E13

剧名: Hero Pilots

评分: 7.8

简介: This is a special looking at how pilots safely land their aircraft in emergency situations. We look at the incidents that occurred on US Airways Flight 1549, TACA Flight 110, and a Gimli Glider. 这是对飞行员如何在紧急情况下安全着陆飞机的特别研究。我们回顾了全美航空 1549 号航班、TACA 110 号航班和一架 Gimli 滑翔机上发生的事件。

总排名: 75/216

剧集: S19E4

剧名: Borderline Tactics

评分: 7.8

简介: Experts uncover something startling that threatens cargo pilots worldwide when they investigate the crash of a US plane at Guantanamo Bay 专家在调查关塔那摩湾美国飞机坠毁事件时发现了一些威胁全世界货运飞行员的令人震惊的事情

总排名: 76/216

剧集: S19E9

剧名: Football Tragedy

评分: 7.8

简介: The underdog heroes of Brazilian soccer are heading to play the game of a lifetime, but with the runway in sight, their dream turns into a nightmare. 巴西足球的弱者英雄即将参加一生难忘的比赛,但跑道就在眼前,他们的梦想变成了噩梦。

总排名: 77/216

剧集: S21E4

剧名: Grounded: Boeing MAX 8

评分: 7.8

简介: On 29 October 2018, Lion Air Flight 610 enters a nosedive and crashes into the Java Sea shortly after taking off from Soekarno-Hatta International Airport in Jakarta, Indonesia, on a flight to Pangkal Pinang. All 181 passengers and 8 crew members on board are killed in the crash. 2018 年 10 月 29 日,狮航 610 航班从印度尼西亚雅加达苏加诺-哈达国际机场飞往邦加槟榔的航班起飞后不久,就急转直下并坠入爪哇海。机上181名乘客和8名机组人员在事故中全部遇难。

总排名: 78/216

剧集: S21E9

剧名: Seconds From Touchdown

评分: 7.8

简介: On 18 June 1998, Propair Flight 420 crashes while attempting to conduct an emergency landing at Montréal-Mirabel International Airport after an in-flight fire causes its left wing to fail, killing all 11 people on board. It was later determined that the aircraft's left brakes overheated during takeoff. 1998 年 6 月 18 日,Propair 420 航班在试图在蒙特利尔米拉贝尔国际机场紧急降落时坠毁,机上起火导致其左翼失效,机上 11 人全部遇难。后来确定飞机的左刹车在起飞时过热。

总排名: 79/216

剧集: S22E4

剧名: Double Trouble

评分: 7.8

简介: On March 31, 1992, over France, a Transair Boeing 707, Flight 671, experienced a two engine separation on the right wing. Despite the damage, the five crew managed a safe landing, but the aircraft was a write off. 1992 年 3 月 31 日,在法国上空,一架 Transair 波音 707 航班 671 发生右翼两个发动机分离的情况。尽管受到损坏,五名机组人员还是安全着陆,但这架飞机已经报废。

总排名: 80/216

剧集: S23E6

剧名: Cockpit Catastrophe

评分: 7.8

简介: On 14 May 2018, Sichuan Airlines Flight 8633 makes an emergency landing at Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport after suffering an explosion decompression. The co-pilot was partially sucked out, but all 128 people on board survive. 2018年5月14日,四川航空8633航班因爆炸失压紧急迫降成都双流国际机场。副驾驶部分被吸出,但机上128人全部生还。

总排名: 81/216

剧集: S3E5

剧名: Bomb on Board

评分: 7.7

简介: A bomb exploded on Philippine Airlines flight 434, killing one passenger and disabling several vital systems on board in 1994. 1994 年,菲律宾航空公司 434 航班上的一枚炸弹爆炸,造成一名乘客死亡,机上多个重要系统瘫痪。

总排名: 82/216

剧集: S5E4

剧名: Dead Weight

评分: 7.7

简介: See how two unrelated failures combined to create a fatal catastrophe, and changed the history of small plane travel. 了解两个不相关的故障如何结合起来造成致命的灾难,并改变小型飞机旅行的历史。

总排名: 83/216

剧集: S7E6

剧名: Falling Fast

评分: 7.7

简介: The aircraft, TS-LBB, took off from Bari, Italy, as Flight 1153 at 2:32 p.m. local time, on its return leg to Djerba, Tunisia. At about 3:15 p.m., the pilot alerted the Palermo Punta Raisi airport to technical problems and requested permission for an emergency landing. 这架名为 TS-LBB 的飞机于当地时间下午 2 点 32 分从意大利巴里起飞,搭乘 1153 号航班,返回突尼斯杰尔巴岛。下午 3 点 15 分左右,飞行员向巴勒莫蓬塔莱西机场发出技术问题警报,并请求紧急降落。

总排名: 84/216

剧集: S7E8

剧名: Frozen in Flight

评分: 7.7

简介: Depicts the crash of American Eagle Flight 4184 near Roselawn, IN, an ATR-72 that got caught in icing conditions, and the subsequent investigation. 描述了美国之鹰 4184 号航班在印第安纳州罗斯劳恩附近坠毁,一架 ATR-72 在结冰条件下坠毁,以及随后的调查。

总排名: 85/216

剧集: S9E1

剧名: Panic on the Runway

评分: 7.7

简介: When a survivable emergency on a grounded plane turns deadly, investigators examine what caused the disaster. 当一架停飞飞机上发生的本来可以生存的紧急情况变成了致命事件时,调查人员会调查造成这场灾难的原因。

总排名: 86/216

剧集: S9E5

剧名: Target Is Destroyed

评分: 7.7

简介: In 1983, Korean Air Lines Flight 007 accidentally enters the Soviet airspace on a flight from the United States to South Korea. The Soviet interceptors shoot down the passenger jet. 1983年,大韩航空007号航班在从美国飞往韩国的航班上意外进入苏联领空。苏联拦截机击落了这架客机。

总排名: 87/216

剧集: S10E3

剧名: Pilot Betrayed

评分: 7.7

简介: On December 27th 1991, Scandinavian Airlines Flight 751 loses power to both tail-mounted engines minutes after take-off from Stockholm Arlanda airport in Stockholm Sweden, and crashes in a snow-covered field 15 kilometers from the airport. 1991年12月27日,斯堪的纳维亚航空751号航班从瑞典斯德哥尔摩阿兰达机场起飞后几分钟,尾部发动机全部失去动力,坠毁在距离机场15公里的冰雪覆盖的田野。

总排名: 88/216

剧集: S11E5

剧名: Munich Air Disaster

评分: 7.7

简介: Revisit the 1958 plane crash that destroyed Manchester United's soccer team and left a pilot's reputation in tatters. 重温 1958 年那场空难,这场空难摧毁了曼联足球队,并让一名飞行员名誉扫地。

总排名: 89/216

剧集: S11E7

剧名: Bad Attitude

评分: 7.7

简介: On 22 December 1999, Korean Air Cargo flight 8509 departs Stansted Airport, London bound for Milan, but less than a minute after it takes off, the plane crashes and kills all four crew members on board. Air accident investigators have to find out if the plane or crew error is to blame for the disaster. 1999 年 12 月 22 日,大韩航空货运 8509 号航班从伦敦斯坦斯特德机场出发,飞往米兰,但起飞后不到一分钟,飞机坠毁,机上四名机组人员全部遇难。航空事故调查人员必须查明这场灾难是否是飞机或机组人员的失误造成的。

总排名: 90/216

剧集: S12E2

剧名: Fire in the Hold

评分: 7.7

简介: When mysterious cargo boxes ignite on ValuJet flight 592, they bring the whole plane down within a short time. The investigator struggle to find out what kind of cargo could possibly cause such fierce fire to bring a whole plane down. 当 ValuJet 592 航班上神秘的货箱着火时,整个飞机在短时间内就坠毁了。调查人员努力查明哪种货物可能引起如此猛烈的火灾,导致整架飞机坠毁。

总排名: 91/216

剧集: S12E3

剧名: Typhoon Takeoff

评分: 7.7

简介: The investigators wonder how an airliner in our modern world full of fail-safe features can crash on takeoff with nobody realizing that the pilots have made a horrible mistake. 调查人员想知道,在我们现代世界中,一架充满故障安全功能的客机为何会在起飞时坠毁,而没有人意识到飞行员犯了一个可怕的错误。

总排名: 92/216

剧集: S12E6

剧名: Grand Canyon Disaster

评分: 7.7

简介: A mid-air collision of two passenger planes over the Grand Canyon shocks 1956 America. Conclusions reached by investigators of this accident will change aviation forever. 1956 年,美国大峡谷上空两架客机相撞,震惊了整个美国。调查人员对这起事故得出的结论将永远改变航空业。

总排名: 93/216

剧集: S12E9

剧名: Locomotiv Hockey Team Disaster

评分: 7.7

简介: Contrary to popular belief, the famous Russian hockey team was not killed by a drunken crew. But could just one of the officers on deck with a medical deficiency have caused this disaster? Investigators dig deep. 与普遍看法相反,著名的俄罗斯曲棍球队并不是被醉酒的队员杀死的。但这场灾难是否可能只是甲板上一名患有医疗缺陷的军官造成的呢?调查人员深入挖掘。

总排名: 94/216

剧集: S13E5

剧名: Queens Catastrophe

评分: 7.7

简介: A plane crash (American Airlines flight 587) in New York just two months after 9/11. 9/11 事件发生两个月后,纽约发生了一起飞机失事(美国航空 587 号航班)。

总排名: 95/216

剧集: S14E3

剧名: Vanishing Act

评分: 7.7

简介: Varig Flight 254 was a 737 on its way to Belem, Brazil from Sao Paulo, Brazil. Due to pilot error, it ran out of fuel and crashed into the Amazon jungle. 瓦里格 254 号航班是一架 737 飞机,正从巴西圣保罗飞往巴西贝伦。由于飞行员失误,飞机耗尽燃料并坠入亚马逊丛林。

总排名: 96/216

剧集: S14E4

剧名: Choosing Sides

评分: 7.7

简介: Drama recreation of the Kegworth air disaster on 8 January 1989 when British Midland Flight 92, a Boeing 737-400, crashed onto the embankment of the M1 motorway near Kegworth, UK. Of the 126 people aboard, 47 died and 74, sustained serious injuries. 戏剧性重现 1989 年 1 月 8 日凯格沃斯空难,当时英国米德兰 92 号航班的波音 737-400 坠毁在英国凯格沃斯附近的 M1 高速公路路堤上。机上126人中,47人死亡,74人重伤。

总排名: 97/216

剧集: S15E2

剧名: Terror in San Francisco

评分: 7.7

简介: Asiana flight no.214 crashes on approach to San Francisco. 韩亚航空 214 号航班在飞往旧金山的途中坠毁。

总排名: 98/216

剧集: S15E6

剧名: Edge of Disaster

评分: 7.7

简介: Flight 670 overruns the runway on landing at Stord Airport and careers down a steep embankment killing 4 passengers. 670 航班在斯托德机场降落时冲出跑道,冲下陡峭的路堤,造成 4 名乘客死亡。

总排名: 99/216

剧集: S16E5

剧名: Deadly Detour

评分: 7.7

简介: Enroute Flight 706 from Lyon to Lorient is knocked out of the sky over Baie de Quiberon France. 从里昂飞往洛里昂的 706 号航班在法国基伯龙湾上空坠毁。

总排名: 100/216

剧集: S16E6

剧名: Dangerous Approach

评分: 7.7

简介: Disaster strikes on way to Durango - La Plata Colorado for commuters. 通勤者前往杜兰戈 - 科罗拉多州拉普拉塔途中遭遇灾难。

总排名: 101/216

剧集: S16E9

剧名: Deadly Solution

评分: 7.7

简介: The captain of Air Asia Flight 8501 overrides the computers instructions and his impromptu fix leads to a deadly stall over the Java Sea. 亚洲航空 8501 航班的机长无视计算机指令,他的即兴修复导致爪哇海上空失速。

总排名: 102/216

剧集: S17E8

剧名: Terror Over Egypt

评分: 7.7

简介: On 31 October 2015, Metrojet Flight 9268 disintegrates in mid-air and crashes into the Sinai Peninsula during a routine chartered flight from Sharm El Sheikh International Airport to Pulkovo Airport, killing all 224 people on board. 2015 年 10 月 31 日,Metrojet 9268 号航班在从沙姆沙伊赫国际机场飞往普尔科沃机场的例行包机途中在半空中解体并坠入西奈半岛,机上 224 人全部遇难。

总排名: 103/216

剧集: S19E5

剧名: Deadly Pitch

评分: 7.7

简介: A cargo plane crashes just moments after taking off from Miami, and it will take an anonymous tip to determine what went wrong. 一架货机从迈阿密起飞后不久就坠毁,需要匿名举报才能确定问题所在。

总排名: 104/216

剧集: S20E9

剧名: Cockpit Killer

评分: 7.7

简介: When an African airliner mysteriously crashes, Namibian investigators rule out a host of possible causes before reaching a chilling conclusion. 当一架非洲客机神秘坠毁时,纳米比亚调查人员排除了许多可能的原因,然后得出了令人毛骨悚然的结论。

总排名: 105/216

剧集: S21E7

剧名: Mission Disaster

评分: 7.7

简介: On 22 February 1991, a military aerial refueling aircraft loses both engines from under the left wing while on a combat mission in Saudi Arabia during the Gulf War, causing serious flight control problems and forcing the pilots to make an emergency landing. The incident was attributed to severe turbulence. 1991年2月22日,海湾战争期间,一架军用空中加油机在沙特阿拉伯执行作战任务时左翼下的两台发动机全部丢失,导致严重的飞行控制问题,迫使飞行员紧急迫降。该事件归因于严重湍流。

总排名: 106/216

剧集: S22E6

剧名: Terror over Michigan

评分: 7.7

简介: A Boeing 727 begins an uncommanded roll to the right, along with loss of hydraulic fluid, which almost resulted in the loss of the aircraft. Investigators recreate all the steps of the flight, to solve the mystery. 一架波音 727 开始无指令地向右滚转,并伴随着液压油的流失,几乎导致飞机失事。调查人员重现了飞行的所有步骤,以解开谜团。

总排名: 107/216

剧集: S22E10

剧名: Loss of a Legend

评分: 7.7

简介: In 2020 a helicopter crash near Calabasas, on route to Camarillo, in Los Angeles, killed basketball legend Kobe Bryant, and family members and others. It shocked the Nation and the NTSB investigate. 2020 年,在卡拉巴萨斯附近飞往洛杉矶卡马里奥的直升机坠毁事故中,篮球传奇人物科比·布莱恩特及其家人和其他人丧生。这震惊了国家和国家运输安全委员会的调查。

总排名: 108/216

剧集: S23E2

剧名: Mixed Signals

评分: 7.7

简介: On 8 February 1989, Independent Air Flight 1851 crashes into the Pico Alto mountain while on approach to Santa Maria Airport in the Azores, killing all 144 occupants. 1989 年 2 月 8 日,独立航空 1851 号航班在飞往亚速尔群岛圣玛丽亚机场时坠入皮科阿尔托山,造成 144 名乘客全部遇难。

总排名: 109/216

剧集: S1E1

剧名: Racing the Storm

评分: 7.6

简介: American Airlines flight 1420 crashed upon landing in Little Rock, AR (USA) in the middle of a severe thunderstorm in 1999. 1999 年,美国航空 1420 号航班在一场严重雷暴天气中降落在美国阿肯色州小石城时坠毁。

总排名: 110/216

剧集: S5E6

剧名: Southern Storm

评分: 7.6

简介: Torrential rain. Baseball-sized hail. Why did Flight 242 enter this severe storm, and what caused its engines to fail? 暴雨。棒球大小的冰雹。 242航班为何会遭遇这场猛烈风暴,又是什么原因导致其发动机出现故障?

总排名: 111/216

剧集: S7E4

剧名: Sight Unseen

评分: 7.6

简介: One of the most horrifying mid-air collisions in history happened over India in 1996. Finding the chain of mishaps and unfortunate events is not easy for the investigators. 历史上最可怕的空中相撞事件之一发生在 1996 年的印度上空。对于调查人员来说,找出一连串的事故和不幸事件并不容易。

总排名: 112/216

剧集: S7E7

剧名: Flight 574: Lost

评分: 7.6

简介: When a Boeing 737 flies into a storm and crashes into the sea, the investigators cannot believe what actually brought down this very sophisticated aircraft. 当一架波音 737 飞入暴风雨并坠入大海时,调查人员无法相信到底是什么导致了这架非常复杂的飞机坠毁。

总排名: 113/216

剧集: S11E1

剧名: Deadly Reputation

评分: 7.6

简介: TAM Airlines Flight 3054, an Airbus A320 touches down on the known deadly runway 35L of Congonhas-São Paulo Airport in Brazil. Flight 3054 is unable to stop, and slides into a warehouse and gas station, killing 199 people. 天马航空 3054 号航班,一架空客 A320 降落在巴西孔戈尼亚斯圣保罗机场已知的致命跑道 35L 上。 3054 航班无法停下,滑入仓库和加油站,造成 199 人死亡。

总排名: 114/216

剧集: S11E8

剧名: Blind Spot

评分: 7.6

简介: A Boeing 727, on approach to Lindbergh Field, collides with a Cessna 172 over a residential area in San Diego causing both planes to crash and scattering body parts across a neighborhood. 一架波音 727 飞机在飞向林德伯格机场时,在圣地亚哥一个住宅区上空与一架塞斯纳 172 飞机相撞,导致两架飞机坠毁,尸体碎片散落到整个社区。

总排名: 115/216

剧集: S12E8

剧名: Focused on Failure

评分: 7.6

简介: When everybody thinks that human error bringing down a modern airliner is no longer possible, the captain of UA173 proves them all wrong. 当每个人都认为现代客机不可能再因人为失误而坠毁时,UA173 的机长证明他们都错了。

总排名: 116/216

剧集: S12E10

剧名: Death of the President

评分: 7.6

简介: The Polish political delegation, including the president, headed to Russia crashes during an approach to landing in Smolensk. Conspiracy theories fly rampant. But could it have been the politicians' self-importance that killed them all? 包括总统在内的波兰政治代表团在前往俄罗斯的途中在斯摩棱斯克着陆时坠毁。阴谋论甚嚣尘上。但是否是政客们的自负导致了他们的灭亡呢?

总排名: 117/216

剧集: S13E7

剧名: Massacre Over the Mediterranean

评分: 7.6

简介: When Itavia flight 870 goes missing over the Mediterranean sea, a conspiracy theory of a missile strike surfaces. Was the plane shot down by a Libyan fighter jet? 当 Itavia 870 航班在地中海上空失踪时,导弹袭击的阴谋论浮出水面。这架飞机是被利比亚战斗机击落的吗?

总排名: 118/216

剧集: S14E8

剧名: Accident or Assassination

评分: 7.6

简介: When a government Lear 45 crashes in the heart of Mexico City, the NTSB investigators are rushed by the Mexican president to determine whether the cause of the crash was a cartel bomb, mechanical failure or simply a rookie pilot mistake. 当一架政府的李尔 45 飞机在墨西哥城市中心坠毁时,墨西哥总统紧急催促国家运输安全委员会 (NTSB) 调查人员确定坠机原因是卡特尔炸弹、机械故障还是仅仅是新手飞行员的失误。

总排名: 119/216

剧集: S15E8

剧名: Fatal Focus

评分: 7.6

简介: Investigate the crash of Garuda Flight 200, which hit the runway 100 mph too fast, claiming the lives of 21 people. 调查 Garuda 200 航班坠毁事件,该航班以 100 英里/小时的速度冲向跑道,造成 21 人死亡。

总排名: 120/216

剧集: S16E2

剧名: 9/11: The Pentagon Attack

评分: 7.6

简介: See how the Pentagon attack on 9/11 was carried out and how it permanently altered air travel today. 了解五角大楼对 9/11 的袭击是如何进行的,以及它如何永久改变了当今的航空旅行。

总排名: 121/216

剧集: S17E1

剧名: Killer Attitude

评分: 7.6

简介: Investigators are surprised to hear what went on in a frosty cockpit between a green first officer and a cocky captain, when Northwest Airlink 5719 flew into Minnesota on a cold winter's night. 当西北航空 5719 号飞机在一个寒冷的冬夜飞往明尼苏达州时,调查人员惊讶地发现,在寒冷的驾驶舱内,一名绿色副驾驶和一名傲慢的机长之间发生了什么事。

总排名: 122/216

剧集: S17E9

剧名: Deadly Discussions

评分: 7.6

简介: LAPA Flight 3142 encounters a serious problem while taking off from Buenos Aires, Argentina. The resulting investigation reveals a shocking cause. LAPA 3142 航班在从阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯起飞时遇到严重问题。由此产生的调查揭示了一个令人震惊的原因。

总排名: 123/216

剧集: S17E10

剧名: The Lost Plane

评分: 7.6

简介: Thai Airways International Flight 311 is on final approach to Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu, Nepal, in poor weather conditions when things go horribly wrong. 泰国航空国际航班 311 号航班正在最后进场飞往尼泊尔加德满都特里布万国际机场,天气条件恶劣,情况发生了严重的问题。

总排名: 124/216

剧集: S18E1

剧名: Nuts and Bolts

评分: 7.6

简介: Emery Worldwide cargo flight 17 crashes soon after takeoff in Sacramento, California. Emery Worldwide 17 号货运航班在加利福尼亚州萨克拉门托起飞后不久坠毁。

总排名: 125/216

剧集: S18E5

剧名: Deadly Display

评分: 7.6

简介: A Russian-made Superjet slams into an infamous mountain, while on a demonstration flight in Indonesia. 一架俄罗斯制造的超级喷气式飞机在印度尼西亚进行演示飞行时撞上了一座臭名昭著的山脉。

总排名: 126/216

剧集: S20E2

剧名: Impossible Pitch

评分: 7.6

简介: A cargo jet plummets to earth in the Swedish Arctic. And as investigators pore over the evidence, a terrifying picture of chaos and confusion emerges. 一架货机在瑞典北极地区垂直坠落。当调查人员仔细研究证据时,一幅混乱和混乱的可怕景象出现了。

总排名: 127/216

剧集: S20E3

剧名: Explosive Touchdown

评分: 7.6

简介: After a routine landing, a Taiwanese commuter plane is rocked by a massive explosion, but investigators find no evidence of a bomb on board. 一架台湾通勤飞机在例行降落后发生大规模爆炸,但调查人员没有发现机上有炸弹的证据。

总排名: 128/216

剧集: S20E7

剧名: Atlantic Ditching

评分: 7.6

简介: A helicopter carrying offshore oil workers crashes into the ocean off the coast of Newfoundland and a far-reaching investigation reveals a fatal flaw. 一架载有海上石油工人的直升机坠入纽芬兰海岸附近的海洋,一项影响深远的调查揭示了一个致命的缺陷。

总排名: 129/216

剧集: S22E2

剧名: Peril over Portugal

评分: 7.6

简介: A Martinair flight crashes in Portugal amid thunderstorms and heavy rain, and when investigators piece together the evidence the mystery only deepens. 马丁航空的一架航班在雷暴和大雨中在葡萄牙坠毁,当调查人员拼凑证据时,谜团只会加深。

总排名: 130/216

剧集: S4E1

剧名: Miracle Escape

评分: 7.5

简介: An Air France airliner overruns the runway while attempting to land at Toronto in bad weather. The plane ends up in a small ravine and starts burning, but all the passengers are quickly and safely evacuated. 一架法航客机在恶劣天气下试图降落多伦多时冲出跑道。飞机最终坠入一个小峡谷并开始燃烧,但所有乘客都被迅速安全地疏散。

总排名: 131/216

剧集: S4E4

剧名: Missed Approach

评分: 7.5

简介: Korean Air Flight 801 crashed on a go-around after a missed approach in Guam in 1997. Pilot error and in-op ground equipment played the biggest role in this disaster. 1997 年,大韩航空 801 航班在关岛复飞时复飞时坠毁。飞行员失误和地面设备故障是这场灾难的罪魁祸首。

总排名: 132/216

剧集: S5E5

剧名: Fanning the Flames

评分: 7.5

简介: To find the cause of the crash of Flight 295, they had to dig deep...3 miles deep to the floor of the Indian Ocean. 为了找到 295 航班坠毁的原因,他们必须深入挖掘……3 英里深的印度洋海底。

总排名: 133/216

剧集: S6E1

剧名: Ripped Apart

评分: 7.5

简介: This special looked at accidents and incidents where pressurization failure or explosive decompression played a part. 本专题研究了加压故障或爆炸性减压造成的事故和事件。

总排名: 134/216

剧集: S6E3

剧名: Who's Flying the Plane?

评分: 7.5

简介: Accidents and incidents where problems with the interface between crew members and onboard avionics were a factor, and the causes of those problems. 机组人员和机载航空电子设备之间的接口问题是一个因素的事故和事件,以及这些问题的原因。

总排名: 135/216

剧集: S7E5

剧名: Operation Babylift

评分: 7.5

简介: An American C-5 Galaxy is flying orphaned Vietnamese babies out of Saigon into safety when things go horribly wrong at 23,000 feet. The investigation uncovers some shady practices and also the heroism of the crew trying to save every life. 一架美国 C-5 Galaxy 正在将越南孤儿从西贡送往安全地带,但在 23,000 英尺的高度发生了严重的问题。调查揭露了一些不正当行为,也揭露了船员们试图拯救每一个生命的英雄主义。

总排名: 136/216

剧集: S9E6

剧名: Cold Case

评分: 7.5

简介: See how icy conditions, a communication breakdown, and an airline's focus on the bottom line led to disaster - twice. 了解冰冷的天气、通讯故障以及航空公司对利润的关注如何两次导致灾难。

总排名: 137/216

剧集: S9E7

剧名: The Final Blow

评分: 7.5

简介: A 1992 crash in France's Vosges Mountains is examined, detailing the difficulties in finding the downed plane and then finding reasons for the accident. 对 1992 年法国孚日山脉发生的一起坠机事件进行了调查,详细介绍了寻找坠落飞机以及查找事故原因的困难。

总排名: 138/216

剧集: S10E4

剧名: Dead Tired

评分: 7.5

简介: On a snowy February 12th, 2009, Continental Connection Flight 3407 - a Bombardier DHC8 - abruptly dropped from the sky, crashing into a house in Buffalo, NY, five miles short of runway 23 at Buffalo Niagara International Airport. 2009 年 2 月 12 日,大雪纷飞,大陆联运 3407 航班(一架庞巴迪 DHC8)突然从天而降,撞向纽约州布法罗尼亚加拉国际机场 23 号跑道 5 英里处的一栋房屋。

总排名: 139/216

剧集: S10E6

剧名: Who's in Control?

评分: 7.5

简介: Turkish Airlines flight 1951 stalled and crashed just short of the runway at Schiphol. The investigators discover a technical failure but it turns out that human factor was to blame afterall. 土耳其航空 1951 号航班在史基浦机场跑道附近失速并坠毁。调查人员发现了技术故障,但事实证明,归咎于人为因素。

总排名: 140/216

剧集: S13E1

剧名: Fight to the Death

评分: 7.5

简介: British Airways flight 548 crashes shortly after take off from London Heathrow airport in 1972. Piecing the clues together one by one, the investigation reveals shocking truth. 1972 年,英国航空 548 号航班从伦敦希思罗机场起飞后不久坠毁。将线索一一拼凑起来,调查揭示了令人震惊的真相。

总排名: 141/216

剧集: S13E3

剧名: Lost in Translation

评分: 7.5

简介: Crossair flight 498 crashes shortly after take-off from Zurich. The airplane was in good condition and the pilots had adequate training. Or did they? The investigation takes a dramatic turn when the cockpit voice recorder is retrieved. Crossair 498 航班从苏黎世起飞后不久坠毁。飞机状况良好,飞行员接受过充分的训练。或者他们有吗?当驾驶舱录音机被取回时,调查发生了戏剧性的转变。

总排名: 142/216

剧集: S13E6

剧名: Into the Eye of the Storm

评分: 7.5

简介: Hugo, a category 5 hurricane, threatens to rip a plane apart. 雨果是 5 级飓风,有可能将一架飞机撕裂。

总排名: 143/216

剧集: S13E8

剧名: Deadly Test

评分: 7.5

简介: During an in-flight test for XL Airways Germany Airbus A320, the aircraft suddenly pitches up, loses lift, then crashes into the sea. 在德国 XL 航空公司空客 A320 的飞行测试中,飞机突然向上倾斜,失去升力,然后坠入大海。

总排名: 144/216

剧集: S14E1

剧名: Sideswiped

评分: 7.5

简介: Copa Airlines Flight 201 disappears over Panama. Investigators are trying to piece the puzzle together to determine whether it was a mid-air collision, missile strike, bombing attempt or simply an unlucky chain of mistakes. 巴拿马航空 201 号航班在巴拿马上空失踪。调查人员正试图将谜团拼凑起来,以确定这是否是一次空中相撞、导弹袭击、爆炸企图,或者仅仅是一连串不幸的错误。

总排名: 145/216

剧集: S14E5

剧名: The Final Push

评分: 7.5

简介: While the cargo jet was attempting a landing at Narita Airport in Japan, in gusty winds, it bounced and landed inverted and burning. 当这架货机试图在日本成田机场降落时,在阵风中,它弹起并翻转着陆并着火。

总排名: 146/216

剧集: S17E2

剧名: Deadly Myth

评分: 7.5

简介: When Comair Flight 3272 spirals into the ground investigators from the NTSB are forced to confront a longstanding belief amongst pilots that may have lead to this fatal crash. 当 Comair 3272 航班盘旋坠入地面时,NTSB 的调查人员被迫面对飞行员长期以来的一个信念,即可能导致了这起致命的坠机事件。

总排名: 147/216

剧集: S17E3

剧名: Turning Point

评分: 7.5

简介: Air China Flight 129 was approaching Busan airport on the South Korean Coast. What happened in those last few minutes that caused a Boeing 767 to crash into a mountainside killing all but the pilot and 37 passengers? 中国国际航空 129 航班当时正接近韩国海岸的釜山机场。最后几分钟发生了什么,导致一架波音 767 坠入山腰,除飞行员和 37 名乘客外,其余人员全部遇难?

总排名: 148/216

剧集: S17E7

剧名: Caught on Tape

评分: 7.5

简介: Revisit the infamous crash of TransAsia Flight 235 in Taiwan, captured on video, and follow the race to find the cause. 重温臭名昭著的复兴航空 235 号航班在台湾坠毁的视频(通过视频捕捉),并跟踪比赛寻找原因。

总排名: 149/216

剧集: S18E7

剧名: Free Fall

评分: 7.5

简介: Qantas Airways flight 72 nearly falls out of the sky, resulting in investigators searching for the threatening flaw 澳洲航空 72 号航班险些从天而降,导致调查人员寻找威胁性缺陷

总排名: 150/216

剧集: S18E9

剧名: Deadly Go Round

评分: 7.5

简介: China Airlines Flight 140 falls out of the sky at Japan's Nagoya Airport and what investigators discover only deepens the mystery. 华航 140 航班在日本名古屋机场从天而降,调查人员的发现只会加深谜团。

总排名: 151/216

剧集: S18E10

剧名: Dead of Winter (Continental Airlines Flight 1713)

评分: 7.5

简介: After being delayed on the Denver tarmac due to heavy snow, Continental Airlines 1713 was eventually cleared for take-off. Barely lifting off the ground, the DC-9 abruptly banked and crashed, killing 28 people and leaving a lasting legacy. 由于大雪在丹佛停机坪上延误,大陆航空 1713 号航班最终获准起飞。 DC-9 刚刚升空,就突然倾斜并坠毁,造成 28 人死亡,并留下了永久的遗产。

总排名: 152/216

剧集: S19E3

剧名: Fatal Approach

评分: 7.5

简介: When a commuter plane crashes at Amsterdam airport, investigators determine that a minor circuitry problem sparked a cascading series of fatal errors. 当一架通勤飞机在阿姆斯特丹机场坠毁时,调查人员确定一个小电路问题引发了一系列致命错误。

总排名: 153/216



  • iason
  • 力荐

学了几点:尽量不坐夜间航班;随时都系好安全带;救生衣不要提前充气;知道距离自己最近的逃生出口位置,明确隔了几排座位,有烟雾的时候摸椅背跑出去;如果碰上宗教狂热分子劫机,不要暴露自己是无神论者。( ̄▽ ̄)

  • 可可爱爱郭麒麟
  • 推荐


  • 穿山
  • 力荐


  • 皮皮的皮神
  • 力荐

各种惨烈各种绝望,留下不少阴影,建议空中飞人们绕行。一早又重温了对撞那集,真是没有比平衡板断裂更悲催的了,最小的损伤导致最严重的后果:机头接近垂直往下扎,无计可施,死亡率 100%,绝对没有全尸~

  • mockee
  • 力荐


  • momo
  • 力荐


  • _(:з」∠)_
  • 推荐


  • 梅林
  • 力荐


  • Jason
  • 力荐


  • 闻朵
  • 力荐


  • 是我
  • 推荐

瑞航那个23岁遇难者的爸爸跑去他女儿坠机的海湾边上开了个餐馆;秘鲁航空的受害家属说I'm not gonna let it go, I don't wanna let it go.

  • 猫咪建筑师
  • 力荐


  • Raine
  • 力荐

前三集有悲但还能归算Happy Ending,最悲伤的是后三集,惨烈“无人生还”:瑞航111、秘鲁603、阿拉斯加航空261。瑞航飞机坠海化为几百万碎片,完尸仅一具;秘鲁603和阿拉斯加261登机即预示着死亡,机长在最后一秒还在努力—换做萨利机长也是殊"命“”同归吧,anything都可导致致命的结局。

  • 千寻|Scorpio
  • 力荐


  • 阿右
  • 力荐


  • silent noise
  • 力荐


  • Charles Rosen
  • 力荐


  • 昏金暗玉
  • 力荐


  • 阿妙妙
  • 推荐


  • ashy
  • 力荐


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